The Market America Difference

In today's uncertain economy, may people are looking at options to earn additional income -- rightfully so.  There are many businesses out there to consider, and you may have looked at several or even tried a few.  That's great!  Your entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well, and you are simply looking for the right vehicle.

Here are a few questions to answer:

What are you looking for in a business?
What are your concerns about starting your own business?
What is your dream business?
What is your financial goal?

These are not rhetorical questions!  I actually would like to to email me with your answer.  This way I can recommend if this business is right for you, and the best option for you to get started.

I started this business with nothing but a need to make money 15-years ago.  I was dedicated to learning and perfecting the system. For the past 14 years, I have earned a high, residual six-figure income, and am helping countless people develop their own successful businesses.

In 15 years, I have never experienced the growth that we are seeing now.  Timing is everything, and this is the time!

Email me with the answer to these questions, a contact number, and the best time to reach you.  If you are open to a 15 minute call, then you will have the answers to whether this business is right for you.

Find out more at

Watch this Interview on NBC 

Learn why this Mom chose to begin her Internet Business with Market America! for the New Personalized Business Sites with Market America

Amazing!  In the very near future your portable office will have another cyberspace tool to attract business and drive traffic.  You will be able to get a MA UFO personalized recruiting and retailing website. You heard about this at World Conference from Phil Guido and Paul Carlotta.  Both of these UFO’s generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in business per year from their own personalized Market America site.  You promote yourself and your site but it links to your portal.  You can also put our widgets on it.  It will have a blog connected to it also so you can begin blogging about what you do each day, what you think and share your experiences in pictures and videos.  Your organization will love this.  So your cyber office now becomes even more powerful and it goes with you wherever you work and works for you 24-7!  You are never closed—always open!•        Here is a Sneak Peak at the future for UFO's with the Retailing and Recruiting personalized Market America sites:

So at the end of the day its about doing little things (result producing activities) that when satisfied daily add up to weekly production objectives which add up to monthly goals of recruiting, sponsoring, building and retailing which add up to annual pin level goals of residual income.  See the breakdown below.  These are steps that  anyone can take or do and it becomes like climbing the stairs to success

Excerpt from JR Ridinger 's Blog, CEO and President Market America, Inc.

Keep Winning through Action!

Paul Carlotta
Executive Director